Wednesday 26 June 2024

Celebration: 10 year anniversary!


I bring virtual cake and cookies as it's time to celebrate! What's the occasion you might be asking? Well, I've been doing commission work for 10 years now, and that is worth an extra update.

During these ten years I've been tasked to paint, build, and/or modify about 300 models and to showcase all this I decided to sit down and collect some statistics.

Breakdown of game systems:

  • Armada 1
  • 40k 3
  • X-wing 217
  • Legion 38
  • Scratch builds 24
  • Misc 17

Most painted model:

  • Y-wing 15
  • Z-95 14
  • T-65 X-wing 11

These numbers do not include the stuff I've painted for myself so that probably adds another 50-100 models painted. All in all, I think I can safely say that I have painted more than the average Joe. Perhaps not the highest bar to clear but it's good enough for me!

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