Wednesday 22 January 2020

Commission: Binayre, Kaa'to and N'dru

A set of three Z-95s in Scum & Villainy colours. N'dru Suhlak is of course well known to me, I've certainly painted a few of those, but the other two, a Binayre pirate and Kaa'to Leachos, are new.

As with the the previous post, no highlighting was requested on these ships. In all honesty, I've been dreading the day I got a request to paint a Binayre Pirate, because I know that checkering can be a pain in the behind to do, especially at this size. It turned out to be not quite as bad as I had feared but still, I'm happy I only needed to paint one!

As for Kaa'to Leachos, that's actually almost a down right simple paint job. Admittedly there's really not much to go on with him since the card artwork shows the ship from a a rather bad angle. Basically, think of it as my personal interpretation of Kaa'to's Z-95.

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